Sound rent

DJ оборудование Pioneer и радиомикрофонные системы Shure UHF

Различные световые эффекты: многолучевые, управляемые по DMX, стробоскопы, лазеры, ультрафиолет, генераторы дыма и другие

Комплекты профессионального активного звука для помещений и открытых площадок

Модульный светодиодный видеоэкран


Оборудование для проведения видеотрансляций по сети Интернет
+7 918 068 10 65

I love everyone, always. But those who do their work at a highest level, saving us, the organizers of the events, from technical issues – oooooh! I absolutely adore such people! From me and the “Department of the Holiday” – here is the profound bow to you guys!

The art space & bar “Среда Обитания” is infinitely grateful to the AZVOOKA team and to Ostap personally for incomparable responsibility, competence, efficiency and creativity. And simply – without you we would have had a bad time. You rescued us and continue to do so with attention and care, that is rarely seen today!

In fact, it’s very nice when questions that you not good at can be entrusted to competent people and most importantly you may no longer worry about their implementation. Thank you so much for that from the entire network of good mood “The Cup” and the pub “1928” in addition 🙂